Saturday, March 12, 2016

A New Look

I played around with Blogger and dressed up this ol' web page. I think that now, by first glance, someone can tell that it has something to do with the environment. I used that courier font for the title because I'm making sustainability attainable and trendy (I mean, I hope) and what better than to make it look earthy yet modern? Also, this is an online blog. 

Most people should know about climate change and environmental disasters. It's kind of a big deal. You see, the world as we know it might change, irreversibly, and who's fault is it? Ours, of course. The consumerist practices we've adopting for decades is taking its toll and despite the alarmist calls of scientists, little is being done about it. Yes, people know about climate change, but we won't do much about it. The scare tactics used by the media surrounding the topic haven't pushed people to work against it. My idea is to make sustainable practices a positive reward. Maybe if it is trendy and popular and easy, people will want to participate. This is what I want for my magazine. 

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